Longview Attorney: Product Liability
The defective valve that causes an oil-field explosion, the seat belt that fails in a car crash, the pain-relief drug that causes a heart attack — when an industrial or consumer product causes injury, Texas and federal laws hold the manufacturer and distributor of the product responsible. A person injured as a result of a manufacturing defect, dangerous design or inadequate labeling can file a product liability claim against those companies.
The product liability case — beating the corporation
At the Law Office of Bradley T. Steele, P.C. in Longview, we have successfully challenged large corporations on behalf of our clients. We have recovered compensation for clients in numerous product cases, including ATV rollovers, automobile crashworthiness cases, tire inflator products, defective tools and machinery in the workplace.
One key to our success is our relationship with independent engineering and scientific experts, who identify and demonstrate exactly how the product caused the injury. (Although OSHA performs an investigation when there is a catastrophic injury or fatal accident in the workplace, our attorney has found the government agency tends to favor the employer.)
We are prepared to handle a variety of product liability claims, including those involving:
- SUV and ATV rollovers
- Dangerous pharmaceuticals
- Defective baby toys and equipment
- Defective auto equipment or truck tires
- Missing safety guards on machines and power tools
- Improperly labeled consumer products
- Defective or improperly maintained oil field equipment
- Drug recalls
- Wrongful death
Consultation With Attorney Brad Steele
If you have a personal injury claim, it is important to feel comfortable with your lawyer and to understand your options. We invite you to contact our Longview law office to arrange a consultation and case review. Mr. Steele will give you the information you need to make a well-informed decision about representation. Our firm serves clients throughout East Texas.